Friday, November 22, 2013

Union Oyster Bar

Boston 2013 Winter by szachko
Boston 2013 Winter, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
What else can bit to have a dozen fresh raw oysters and creamy clam chowder in this bean town?!?!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Soul Catcher

2013 NY Renaissance Faire by szachko
2013 NY Renaissance Faire, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
Yes. Please allow me to catch your beautiful soul. Your kindness and your generosity in this beautiful late summer made the world a better place.

(2013 New York Renaissance Faire)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Liste De Seau De Paris - #4 City of Love

France 2013 by szachko
France 2013, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
Should I say anything about the love in Paris?!?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Liste De Seau De Paris - #3 Fashion of the World

France 2013 by szachko
France 2013, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
Stolling down Champs-Elysees, we can feel all the grandeur and glamour Paris. Different from 5th Ave, or Madison Ave, there are two car showrooms: Mercedes Benz and Peugeot, right on Champs-Elysees. And who dare to take the wedding picture in the mid of busy street? (Not sure if it is legal in NYC)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Liste De Seau De Paris - #2 Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa by szachko
Mona Lisa, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
Visit Museum O'Say to visit this famous lady, Mona Lisa. The actual size of this painting is smaller than my imagining. However, the her enjoyment is presented vividly. The presenter did a great job to put this lady in the very sleek environment with timeless pleasure. Well, since she is so famous that it always surrounded by people, lots of people. Zozo and Mommy were lucky enough in the first row to visit her.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Liste De Seau De Paris - #1 Eiffel Tower

France 2013 by szachko
France 2013, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
According to Zozo, there are four must see in Paris:
1. Eiffel Tower
2. Mona Lisa
3. Fashion of the World
4. City of Love

We got the first one..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Peaceful Moment

Pocono by szachko
Pocono, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
We revisited this antique shop almost ten years after. It was much quieter than I remembered. However, if you carefully browse each display in the store, you almost can hear history is whispering around the room and filled your head.

I was overwhelmed by those noises, and stepped outside the showroom. I spotted this beautiful meadow and found my piece of quiet.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Different kind of Vietnamese

Untitled by szachko
Untitled, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
When thinking of Vietnamese food, we usually think of those places in Chinatown. However, we kind of forgot that there were some French period in Vietnamese history as well.

When thinking of Tenafly, we rarely think about Vietnamese; however, this little quint place reminds us that part strange counter of European taste in that beautiful far east country.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Once Upon a Time at this Timeless Place

Spring 2013 by szachko
Spring 2013, a photo by szachko on Flickr.
100 years..
People come and go
Have you stop to feel the time passing?

This is a magical place. You almost forget which year you are in...