Friday, September 24, 2010


宜蘭-傳藝中心, originally uploaded by szachko.
It was about 100 degree out there. People in Taiwan use umbrellas to block the sun light.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


翡翠灣, originally uploaded by szachko.
It is kind of strange feeling to see Mediterraneance Architecture in Taiwan.However, this is one of the most popular wedding photo site.

Different from the west costume, people from Taiwan will have the wedding pictures taken and put into Album days or months before the actual wedding ceremony. The Album will be displayed in the reception.
The pictures could be taken in studios, or some famous places like Green Bay.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


羅東-水岸森林, originally uploaded by szachko.
Even though the owner would like to classify this as a bed and breakfast place, this place is more than just a bed and breakfast. The feature rooms in this place have glass floor at the ground level and over look the pounds with plenty of Koi fish. The water of the swimming pool is from the natural cold spring from the ground. BBQ dinners along the swimming pool were a nice touch.

Friday, September 3, 2010


朱銘美術館, originally uploaded by szachko.
Tai-Chi is a series Ju-Ming masterpieces for his passion of Chinese Martial Arts. Wondering in this outdoors museum, my little girl was interested in couple moves...