Monday, April 19, 2010

Europeans in New York

New York 2010 Spring
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
MOMA was extra-ordenary packed this week. We thought it was because of Tim's movies or Henri's Moment. We concluded that it was Eyjafjallajökull's ashes that settled European tourists in MoMA in this cloudy New York afternoon.

Monday, April 12, 2010


NYC Spring Afternoon
Originally uploaded by
S. Zachko
There is an Art Project displayed in Madison Square Park area: Multiple 6 feed tall male statures are installed in various places: some are in the park, and some are at the top of several buildings near by. Since the statures are so autonomy correct that people just cannot believe what they have seen and have to keep to re-adjust their curiosity in any forms. It is like cats playing with the catmints.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mysterious Object

Originally uploaded by S. Zachko
Passing by this street million times, I just noticed this mysterious circle emerging at the sidewalk for the first time. Not sure what it will be used for. At the same time, a bicycle past by with two more circles. There are so many circles: visible, invisible, practical, unpractical. It only catches our attention when we focus on them....