Sunday, September 30, 2007
Meet the Family
They were tired but very excited!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Ready to Take Off
Hustling through the security check, Waiting hours and hours for the plane, we finally got on the plane and were ready to take off.
It was 1 o'clock in the morning. Kids were exhausted but excited, especially the little one. Since this is her first time to fly, she was holding her (well, actually it is mine) bunny to cover her excitement.
Daddy kept telling the little one that we need to flap our hand to help to take off. I had no idea what Daddy tried to teach her, but surely the little one did not believe this story.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Travelling around a lot since early childhood, I did not enjoy that much because I was just dragged around and had no idea what was going on. I fall in love travelling when I started planning the trip.
Since the trip is for my kids to know the place I grew up FROM THEIR POINT OF VIEW, I really like to know what they wanted to see, to eat, to do. These Post IT notes are great! The whole family just post down their desires. Some to eat lists from my girls are very interesting: the elder one would like to try "Stinky Tofu" while my little one only wanted to have Pasta, French Fry with ketchup!
Packing for the Trip
We packed as light as we can:
two camera bags
two hello kitty backpacks
one hello kitty carry on
one diaper bag
one double stroller
Sound terrible, but we survived!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Why Taiwan?
Trip to the Past